DistroKid mobile app icon

for iPhone

Unlimited uploads from wherever, whenever.

DistroKid’s iPhone app is the easiest way for musicians to get music into Spotify, Apple, Amazon, Tidal, TikTok, YouTube, and more - on the go. Keep 100% of your earnings and be prolific.

iPhone app is here today. Android coming soon!

Scan me to download!

Example of the music tab in the DistroKid iphone app with a blue blob shape behind and an example of a push notification letting people know they have money in the bank.
Example of the DistroKid iPhone app's upload form with a blue blob shape behind it. It also has a list of icons where your music will be distributed: Pandora, Instagram, TikTok, Spotify, Apple Music, and Spotify

Upload unlimited songs.

From wherever you are, to wherever you want your music to be.

Track your stats right from your phone.

Stay up-to-date with the latest streaming data.

Example of the DistroKid iPhone app's stats tab with a blue blob shape behind it showing stats for Spotify and Apple Music

See your money hit the bank.

The best part? You keep 100%.

A push notification example that says 'You’ve got money. New earnings have been posted to your account' with the party popper emoji

Frequently Asked Questions

All your music should be in stores. DistroKid is the only service that lets you upload unlimited music to stores for one low price and keep 100% of your earnings. Other services make you pay every time you upload something, or they take a percent of earnings—which is way less fun (and way more expensive).

DistroKid gets your music into stores in a fraction of the time it takes our competitors to get your music into stores. We have great customer service, daily stats, a simple interface, and loads of unique features too.

DistroKid is for solo musicians, artists, bands, DJs, performers, producers, and creators who record music at home or in the studio. We have services for labels, too.

Only $22.99 to upload unlimited songs & albums for a year.


Don’t worry, it’s comin’.